Tag Archives: sushi

Late Night Snack for the Pregnant

My lovely and brilliant wife, who is with child as they say, managed to work in three complaints and requests at the same time tonight in one short, direct sentence. She said ” I need to take my vitamins but I’m hungry and its cold.” TheĀ  nuances of the seemingly innocent statement are as subtle as a freshman year 3rd seat trumpet player. She needs to be fed both an allotment of food and a regiment of nutritive supplement for the growing Babyishungry (yeah for breast milk, but that is another story, on many levels really. OK , I’ve said too much. I haven’t said enough. That’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight…oh, umm, anyway) Not only does she need these critical supplies, she is dependent upon me to prepare and fetch them for her. Also she is cold and apparently does not know how to “operate” a blanket and/or a quilt ( which is also another story on many levels, some of them quite off kilter really.)

Did I mention that she said this on the phone? And that I was driving around with Mikeiskindofhungryforalittleguy listening to college basketball on the radio? Apparently, this is a veeerrrry important variable in this particular equation. I was never that good at algebra or geometry, but thank god the guy next to me was. Soooooooooo, I made the following for the Missus

Peanut Butter and Honey Sushi with Chia Seeds and Strawberry Preserves, with a Side of Prenatal Vitamins

I rolled out the bread , put some good nut butter on it(hee, hee, i said nut butter), followed by some honey, some Chia seeds( yes THOSE kind of chia seeds..they are remarkable little things that fueled the Aztec warriors…curious? try google, ya lazy git), and some strawberry, all fruit preserves…then i rolled and sliced it and served it up on a bamboo platter with a garnish of folic acid and some other crazy pregnant vitamin things that probably make your burps taste funny. Look at the Pics!!! Love Them!!! Comment! Share! Send Cash, we’re(me, not the kids or missus)

low on Beer Money!!!


Filed under food i've made, pictures, recipes, Uncategorized


just got my 1000th view at Steveishungry. Not much in the world of viral web stuff and thingies but still a nice little round number to boast upon. So….Good For Me!!! this is my dog, Sushi…she is very happy and implores you to help me make it to 10, 000


Filed under pictures, Uncategorized