Tag Archives: road

It’s Alive!!!!

Despite popular rumors and intense wishing on my part, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth. Rather I have fallen in to an endless cycle of work, try to stay awake for a few hours, sleep, then repeat. My days off have been few and far between, much like the teeth of a wayward Irishman, but i digress into racial stereotypes based upon the nationality of my wife’s first and now ex-husband. As you may or may not know, I cook for a living as well as for fun and sustenance, and nothing will ruin your appetite and desire to be all “cheffy” as much as cranking out food morning, noon and night. I have eaten one complete meal in the last few weeks, and it was on my birthday, so I had to sit down and eat. When I am this busy in the kitchen at work , my normal grub is a plain sandwich or some kind of or a bite or two or the kid’s leftovers, or, even better, ANYTHING that SOMEONE else has cooked. I don’t care what or where it came from, as long as I didn’t have to make it, I’ll eat it and like it or shut the hell up.

Sooooooooooooooooo, anywho. Here are some pictures I took today while on my break at work. The drive to and fro is probably one of the best benefits I get from my employment. That and a sore back.


Filed under pictures, Uncategorized